Twitter Updates for 2010-04-20

  • Just saw a demo of a SMART Board at our Europe office. Do want! Not terribly expensive either. #
  • Still to do: Laundry, get an Oyster card, get a pay-as-you-go mobile. You know, things residents do. ;-) #
  • O.k. just for the record, Maltesers are much better than Whoppers. I've heard the Oreos are better here, too. #ashtag #

Twitter Updates for 2010-04-19

  • So far, 60 minutes on hold with the travel agency… #
  • It's not that I necessarily mind being here, it's just I currently have no idea when I'll be able to go home. That bothers me. #
  • Two hours, still on hold… #
  • Argh!! Music stopped, silence, then dialtone. #
  • Can you really consider yourself 'trapped' in a place others spend $$$'s to get to? Many this weekend would say "Yes." #
  • "That was fun, let's do it again" Landed Sun (4/11) leaving Fri (4/16) now it's Sun (4/18) and I'm leaving Fri (4/23). Yay? #insoc #
  • Since I'm going to be here a bit. I'm going to get a pay-as-you-go phone. Recommendations on which carrier? #travel #ash #

Forced to be a tourist

A week ago today, I landed at Heathrow airport in London, U.K. for a series of meetings with our European and Japanese counterparts. The meetings went quite well and I was looking forward to going back home on Friday. Unfortunately, events conspired against me. On Thursday, the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland erupted and sent plumes of ash into the air which drifted SE over UK airspace (and beyond). As the ash poses a safety issues for the airliners, they have been grounded.

My original Friday flight was canceled and while I was able to extend my hotel and move my flight to Monday (tomorrow) that has just been canceled. Currently, I’m on hold with my company’s travel agent to determine what options exist. One possibility may be to take a train to mainland Europe (Chunnel to Paris, probably) and then a train to Spain or elsewhere that still have operating airports.

I had fun yesterday visiting the Science Museum, Natural History Museum, and the Victoria & Albert Museum. I enjoyed it as I was just going to be here for a few days more. With no significant change in the conditions of the volcano or the airflow, there’s a chance airports could remain closed for an additional week or more. What was a inconvenience is now becoming a real problem.

I’ll try to keep my Twitter feed (public WiFi access permitting) updated with major developments.

Twitter Updates for 2010-04-17

  • Hard crash corrupted my mail prefs. Got older copy via VPN from work server. Time Machine FTW! #
  • On hold with travel agent to move my most certainly to-be-canceled Sat flight to Sun. I wonder why the long hold time? #
  • Got my room extended for Sat night. Charing £210. How reasonable. #sellersmarket #
  • @WilHarris Can you link the the wallpaper? in reply to WilHarris #
  • What's with my typing? Most of my tweets have had at least one typo. Sorry. #
  • After an hour on hold, no available flights on Sunday. Booked on Monday. Hotel extended, too. Weekend in London, now what? #
  • I got a kick that the UK paper The Independent is calling this "Ash Thursday." #
  • No, seriously, I now have all day Saturday and all day Sunday to tour in and around London. Suggestions? Museum, show, countryside? #
  • I don't mind being alone or touring alone (I like to just wander) but I really don't like eating alone (esp at a restaraunt). Too sad. #

Twitter Updates for 2010-04-16

  • My flight home is in jeopardy. This could make for a story. #
  • My flight home isn't until tomorrow (10a) but inbound flights and bumped passengers may cause much grief. I'll be at Heathrow early. #
  • My flight has been officially cancelled. Another day or two in London? #
  • So, I here in London at least until Saturday and most likely Sunday before I can come home. #
  • @justkristin I'll try to make the best of it. A story, indeed! in reply to justkristin #

Twitter Updates for 2010-04-13

  • At Bucking ham Palace and there's a lot of folks here. Is something going to happen? #
  • Darn spell check. It looks like the Queen's guard is changing. Fortuitous timing. #buckingham #
  • Interesting that there's better weather here in London than in SoCal. #
  • Just fried out my voltage adapter. I may have drawn too much current on the 50W setting but the 1600W is not for electronics. :-( #

Twitter Updates for 2010-04-12

  • In London. Interesting already; customs was easy but train service is disrupted so I'll be taking a few transfers to get downtown. #
  • They *really* want you to "mind the gap" on the train. #
  • I admit it. I took my iPad around the corner to the London Apple Store to show the employees since it's not out yet in the UK. #

Twitter Updates for 2010-04-11

  • Last minute packing before heading to the airport. I'm going to have fun but will miss my family. :-( #
  • Sitting at gate waiting for my flight to SFO (then on to London). Thanks SAN for the free WiFi! #
  • So, out of frustration with my trip, Becky is thinking about throwing a trip together for her and the kids while I'm gone. Should I worry? #
  • Haven't deplaned yet in SFO and my connection starts boarding in 10 minutes. Ugh. #
  • Nevermind, I'm good. I just didn't know if I had to deal with TSA again while switching terminals. Now boarding. #