Twitter Updates for 2010-04-10

  • Many people are out sick today and I'm getting on a plane for London tomorrow. *uh oh* #
  • So the illness *may* have been the salad from our department lunch. Bad: I had some. Good: I feel fine (so far) #
  • Excited about going to London for the first time tomorrow but must temper it since Becky doesn't like that I'm going and she's not. #

First post (and first impressions)

This is my first post from my new iPad. It’s been interesting getting used to the new form factor of the device. Since it’s based on OS X Touch (the same that is used by the iPhone and iPod Touch) it is immediately familiar and the initial application base is quite good even when you exclude iPhone apps that haven’t been updated.

I’ll have to spend some time getting adjusted to the interface but I’m really looking forward to how this platform develops. I really think Apple has another hit on their hands.

Yeah, like you’re surprised

This Saturday, Apple will be releasing the ‘magical’ iPad to the world. I’ll be getting one, but you already knew that, didn’t you? I’ve been a user and fan of the iPhone since its release in 2007 and it has been a device I use extensively every day. Many act like a “large iPhone” is bad thing, but I’m really looking forward to using a device that has the functionality of the iPhone without the limited screen size of a phone.

Does it equal a laptop, no. That’s not the point. The iPad shouldn’t replace all the functions of a laptop. Yes, the iPad is made by Apple, and while it technically running OS X, it is the same variant that has been found on the iPhone for years. A desktop OS is the wrong metaphor for a tablet with finger input. As with any platform, quality applications (or lack of them), will ultimately determine the fate, but by judging the buzz and the early reviews, I think Apple has changed the game again.

Time will tell. Speaking of time, I only have about 36 hours to wait.

Sharing and the death of blogging

As I’m sure you’ve noticed, I haven’t been blogging much. I really want to but just haven’t made the time for it. Sure, I’ve been busy, but is that really an excuse? I’ll try to step it up and have some captive time coming up which may give me ample opportunity.

One of the other reasons for me, appears to be the same for many of my friends: sharing. With Facebook, Google Reader, Twitter, FriendFeed, and related social sites, it has become exceedingly easy to just share a link to an interesting article, video, or picture rather than produce anything yourself. I’m not complaining, I’ve discovered by way of friends many interesting things. It’s just unfortunate that it has become the de facto expression of people (including myself).

If you still blog, kudos to you. Please keep it up. The Internet will become a very boring place if everyone just keeps recycling the same ol’ thing.

Twitter Updates for 2010-03-26