So, how do you get a Playstation 3 without having to stand in line?

Easy, just work for the company. In all seriousness, unless you’ve been under a rock, you’ve likely heard that the Playstation 3 was released to North America (Japan was last week and Europe is next year). While I’m not any kind of über-gamer, I am a geek and a company man so, of course, I wanted to make sure I got a system.

SCEA executives were quite generous and even though units are quite constrained and significantly lower than was originally hoped or planned, they are allowing any full-time employee that wants one to order one. Not only that, they assure us that we’ll receive them before Christmas. We are also getting them for a discount. No, it isn’t much (and it would be inappropriate for me to say what it is), but I don’t have to buy a HD tv (like some CompUSA’s and Circuit City’s are requiring) nor did I have to wait in line.

As a sign that I’m more parent than gamer, the feature that I’m most looking forward to is the wireless controllers. I’m tired of tripping over and wrapping up the cords and extenders. That’ll be nie. It’s also nice that every game supports widescreen (a feature that any PS2 title could support but few do).

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