What? How many computers?

I just saw a post on slashdot asking what people’s first computer was. Me? That’s easy, an Apple ][+ that my dad bought for the family during the summer of 1983 (if I remember correctly). The true test of the geek, though, is if he (or she) can name all the computers they’ve owned. Let me see if I’m up to that challenge:

To be honest I think I may have missed one or two in the middle but man, that’s a handful, huh? Granted that’s over 20 years so I’m not too out of control, right? Right?!

Sandia National Labs going to save surfing?

While I grew up in Encinitas, CA, I never became a surfer (shocking, I know). Sure, I did some boogie boarding and body surfing, but was never good enough to even consider being a poser. I did appreciate the surfing culture and was saddened when I read last year that Clark Foam  was ceasing production of surfboard blanks, the foam core of a surfboard that is shaped into the final board.

While there is some debate that Orange County simply wanted that business out of their area, the fact is the foam used Toluene Di Isocynate (TDI), a chemical that caused some environmental concerns. Rather than fight, they are likely going to stop production. The interesting part is that Clark Foam produced the blanks used in 90% of surfboards in the U.S. Needless to say the surfing community is concerned.

The twist of the story came yesterday with Sandia National Laboratories offering to help. They have developed a foam used to protect the electronics in nuclear missles. It doesn’t use TDI and they are working to license it to surfboard manufacturers. That is a colaboration I never would have guessed.

Rocket Foam May Save Surfboard Industry

Not just another Monday morning

Alarm goes of at 5:00 AM just like it normally does during the week. I got ready and headed downstairs to gather my things and start my morning commute. When I went outside to grab the newspaper, I saw the rare but familiar sight of draped swatches of white on our lawn, trees, bushes, and light-post. Yup, somebody TP’d our house. It wasn’t a big deal and I wasn’t even upset. In fact, to be honest, they didn’t do a very thorough job. It took all of 3 minutes to clean up.

Of course, I wonder why we were targeted. We don’t really know anybody in the Jr. High-High School age range and certainly pray that I haven’t offended anybody in the neighborhood.

After I started to drive away, I saw a tree down the road had also gotten hit, so I guess our house was simply an easy target. Interestingly, we’re on a corner that gets its share of traffic so they had to have worked fast. That must be why it was so easy to clean up.

No harm. I hope they had fun.

Weight loss goal achieved

For the second year in a row, my pastor, several men from the church, and myself challenged each other to loose 10 pounds in 4 weeks. In addition to the obvious health and visual benefits to loosing the weight, we were each on the hook for $10 for each pound missed from the target. The final weigh-in was last night and while I was 169 it was 2 over what I should have been (I started at 177). Fortunately, two of the other guys weighed in earlier that evening prior to dinner so they spotted me the 2 pounds (they were 3.5 and 4 pounds heavier we the re-weighed themselves with me).

The interesting thing was unlike last year, all I really did was improve my diet. I cut out drinking and was more conscious of what I was eating (portions and food choices). I did start walking again at lunch along with my friends from work, Kristin and Sven. That is something I totally got out of the habit of after my friend George was laid off (along with the rest of RedZone studio).

When we did the "contest" last year, we did a second round for another 10, we’re not doing that again this year. Sure, I would like to loose 5 or so more pounds, but will do it at a slower rate.

What am I going to do to celebrate? Go out to eat of course! The kids are down at Kay’s for the three day weekend (for them) so Becky and I are going out tonight for Valentine’s day. Why deal with the crowds when you can just go 3 days early?

So the debate begins

Now that I have a shiny new blog, I now need to decide what kind of information I want to put here. I can comment on every little thing I can think of or run across but is my opinion so darn important as to warrant the space even if it is on my own server? I could also just post links, but there are so many decent sites that do that so why should I?

I guess I’ll just let the Spirit lead me and see what happens. Of course, if you have an opinion, please let me know.