Palm update

I was able to get Becky’s palm working in relatively short order. The only problem was with the iSync connector for the Palm software. The Palm software is installed with incorrect permissions so the iSync connector can’t install. I was able to resolve it by following the tip on Mac OS X Hints (I used a less brute force method but this led me in the right direction). Once resolved, it synced without problem and now she can see my schedule and I can see hers.

I also got a copy of Bible+ which is a free Palm bible reader. It works quite well and even allows a split screen to compare two different translations. The only think I haven’t yet gotten is a copy of the NASB translation as it is commercial and I need to purchase it.

My wife the techie?

I love my wife, Becky. She is a died-in-the-wool throwback to an older era. It’s one of her more endeering qualities. Her favorite show growing up and still now is Little House on the Prarie and that she would probably be happier living in that day. She keeps a paper organizer in her car to track all the many things going on in her life and also writes most everything down on her wall calendar in the kitchen. Well, she has been looking for something better that she can keep with her at all times to make sure she doesn’t double-book an event. After a little discussion and a bit of research, we picked up a Palm Z22. It’s a cute little thing and she’s looking forward to giving it a spin.

Of course, beeing the good geek husband that I am, I made sure that it will work properly with iSync and that Palm Desktop will still work under Rosetta on the soon-to-arrive MacBook Pro. I’ve read that the iSync to Palm setup is not ideal, but it should be good enough to allow what she enters on the PDA to be put into iCal so I can see her schedule when I’m at work (and vice versa with my schedule synced to her PDA).

I’ll probably comment in a few days on how well it turns out (or not). Fortunately, I confirmed that Office Depot has a 14 day return policy so if it isn’t a satisfactory solution, we can take it back.

Weight loss goal achieved

For the second year in a row, my pastor, several men from the church, and myself challenged each other to loose 10 pounds in 4 weeks. In addition to the obvious health and visual benefits to loosing the weight, we were each on the hook for $10 for each pound missed from the target. The final weigh-in was last night and while I was 169 it was 2 over what I should have been (I started at 177). Fortunately, two of the other guys weighed in earlier that evening prior to dinner so they spotted me the 2 pounds (they were 3.5 and 4 pounds heavier we the re-weighed themselves with me).

The interesting thing was unlike last year, all I really did was improve my diet. I cut out drinking and was more conscious of what I was eating (portions and food choices). I did start walking again at lunch along with my friends from work, Kristin and Sven. That is something I totally got out of the habit of after my friend George was laid off (along with the rest of RedZone studio).

When we did the "contest" last year, we did a second round for another 10, we’re not doing that again this year. Sure, I would like to loose 5 or so more pounds, but will do it at a slower rate.

What am I going to do to celebrate? Go out to eat of course! The kids are down at Kay’s for the three day weekend (for them) so Becky and I are going out tonight for Valentine’s day. Why deal with the crowds when you can just go 3 days early?