- Got my PS Vita today at work. It came with cookies! http://t.co/qyed2HD7 #
A Night with Adam and Jamie
My family and I had the opportunity to go see Behind the Myths tour staring Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman two weeks ago. The best way to describe the experience is as “the world’s best school assembly.” They spent time doing some Q&A, explanation on how the show started, their own backgrounds, and general insight as to how they approach the show and the myths they examine.
A big intent of the show is to help people consider and examine the world around them. It was a very fun evening and I’m looking forward to seeing their companion show MythBusters: The Explosive Exhibition when (if) it comes within driving distance.
Twitter Updates for 2012-01-26
Twitter Updates for 2012-01-25
- @prepeller Here's my usage. I'm a big Alfred fan. http://t.co/nBXLh4mX #
Nothing to see here, please move along
Life at work continues to provide content for many conversations. Unfortunately, professional ethics prevents me from mentioning it here.
I’ll make a point of posting something of at least moderate interest this coming weekend.
Twitter Updates for 2012-01-19
- In our seats to see @donttrythis and @JamieNoTweet!! http://t.co/oYyD370c #behindthemyths #
- What a fun night at #behindthemyths @donttrythis got a little out of control, though. http://t.co/cJDxi6ZL #
Twitter Updates for 2012-01-11
Player One Start
I got the iCade on Monday and loaded up my iPad will all the ROMs I have and set it up at work. Not everyone has wandered by, yet, but those that have seen it have be having a fun time playing some of the old classics.
I’ll probably bring it back home over the three-day weekend since I haven’t had much time to play with it, myself. ;-)
Twitter Updates for 2012-01-04
Let the games begin
I’ve been a gamer from the beginning. Good or bad, I’m old enough to have lived through the golden age of video games during my formative years. It was a great way to spend far too much money (and kept me off the streets). Yes, I work in the video game industry (coincidence?), but I believe that some of the most creative games were created ‘back in the day’ due to the fact there were so few rules and genres to be hampered by.
The golden age is coming back for me due to some fortunate recent events. First, iMAME, a version of MAME (an arcade emulator), was released for the iPad a week ago which only lasted for a day before being pulled by Apple in the App Store (presumably for copyright concerns). I was able to get a copy prior to it disappearing. Second, I just submitted an order for a half-price ION Audio iCade which is supported by many games on the iPad, including iMAME.
I’m looking forward to giving some of my favorite games a spin.