Twitter Updates for 2009-08-20

  • RT Daily Deal: the Tron soundtrack, featuring music by Journey and Wendy Carlos. Today: $1.99. (@amazonmp3) Must get! #
  • Up in the bay area to visit one of our storage vendors. It's going to be a long day. #
  • Thoughts while driving: Is it just me or does the woman in the United Airlines safety video look like Phoebe Cates? #
  • Traveling in style. #
  • Sorry, I really shouldn't say where I am. You can't make me. #NetApp #storage #
  • While they have been a long time vendor, I am continually impressed that @netapp really does understand their market and their place in it. #
  • A little tour of the #NetApp lab datacenter. #
  • 'k crowdsource time. Going to Betelnut in downtown SF for dinner. Anyone been? Any suggestions? #

Can you go back?

Gryphons flagship program

Gryphon's flagship program

In a few hours I’ll be going to a reunion party for a company which was my first job out of college. I first started at Gryphon Software in 1992 and worked there officially until 1998 but continued working with many of the folks until I left for RedZone in 2000. It’s a bit of a long story that I may write up sometime.

The reunion was the idea of my old boss and one of the founders of Gryphon after a group of them saw each other at the memorial of another employee that died earlier this year. Whenever you are in a situation like that, someone will often say “we should get together” but it rarely happens. I’m happy that Duane made the effort.

I’m looking forward to seeing old friends and acquaintances. I suppose it’s like a school reunion without the awkwardness of having old girlfriends or boyfriends in attendance. I’m sure will comment on how we look the same “but older” and how big our kids have gotten as well as talking about the “good old days.” They were good, you know.

Twitter Updates for 2009-08-05