Two years ago, my daughter spent her own saved money to purchase a Nintendo DS. This past Friday (the Black one), my son similarly used his own hard-earned savings to give money to the competition and purchased a Xbox 360 4G.
Where did I go wrong?
Two years ago, my daughter spent her own saved money to purchase a Nintendo DS. This past Friday (the Black one), my son similarly used his own hard-earned savings to give money to the competition and purchased a Xbox 360 4G.
Where did I go wrong?
I just finished a book that I would consider a must-read for anyone that works in the IT field. “A Sysadmin’s Guide to Navigating the Business World” by Mark Burgess and Carolyn Rowland. It’s #23 in the USENIX ‘Short Topics in System Administration‘ series (not yet listed at the time of this writing).
It’s a short book (64 pgs) which is good since I’m a slow reader and have a hard time finding time for print books but I’m glad I made the effort as it couldn’t have come at a better time. One of the primary points of the book is to get your IT shop out of the “rocket” mentality (major effort, one shot) and instead work more like a “747” (reliable, reusable). One of the best ways to do that is to learn more about the business and work to have IT be part of the business rather than just serving it.
While it’s short, it’s meaty. I’ll be passing it on to others in the group as we all can learn something from it. For me, I’ll likely get my own copy as I’ll be best served by reading it regularly (at least once-a-year).
The family came to a decision this week and we have removed our son from his elementary school and will be homeschooling him along with his older sister. I wrote about how we came to the decision to bring our daughter home earlier this year and while this situation had many similarities, many aspects were different and the decision had much deliberation and prayer.
Our daughter was failed by the system which no longer actively supports students that aren’t a liability to their precious standardized test scores. In our son’s situation, honestly, he was let down by the other parents. His grade-level, for some unexplained reason, has had discipline and behavior problems since kindergarten. Attempts to correct problems were generally met with disbelieving and ultimately uncommitted parents and by the time the kids go to 5th grade, behaviors were well-solidified. Like our daughter, the problem went on for years but was tolerated until it reached the point it couldn’t be any further.
Brian’s teacher this year, Mr. ‘P’, was excellent which made this decision quite difficult. As we got reports from our son how his class got in trouble again or lectured to again over the dinner table, I couldn’t help but think Mr. P was not being a strong enough disciplinarian (my manager hat must have still been on). Last week, I had the opportunity to volunteer at Brian’s school* and spend some time in his class. Not only did I see first-hand how good Mr. P was but also how frustrating the behavior problem was. The majority of the class was ‘just’ bad enough to be a problem but without clear troublemakers to single out and reprimand though he did several times in the single hour I was there. He simply doesn’t have the bandwidth to discipline a class and try to teach them at the same time.
Brian is also the more social of our kids and the thought of ‘loosing’ his friends was difficult for him but his countenance was clear every day he came home from school. There was a problem that had to be addressed. We decided to do a dry run and kept him home on Tuesday for him to get a taste of what it’s like to be taught by your mother. Of course, she didn’t have all the texts or a full lesson plan but was able to give him a good idea. He liked it but still agonized.
The debate that had gone on for weeks hit high gear. It wasn’t easy, but, thankfully, the Lord did guide us. The decision was made, the dis-enrollment form filled out, and personal belongings collected. Interestingly, there was no resistance and instead complete understanding. There were also many ‘off the record’ comments made about ‘all the good ones are leaving.’ That part really pains me in all of this. The school system is really breaking down both within (testing obsessed admins) and without (nobody ‘parenting’ anymore) and I don’t see that turning around. We’d fight, and we did, but we ultimately need to do right by our kids and not let them loose even if there may be a greater good. That’s why Brian’s new school desk is now five steps from the kitchen.
* If you’re a father of a kid in school, please do yourself a favor and ask if they have a WatchD.O.G.S. program. It’s an awesome way to support your kid and their school.
UPDATED: Fixed a few typos. Maybe I shouldn’t blog at 6 AM.
Friday was the last day for one of the members of the team I manage at work. It was under good circumstances as he’s relocating and moving on to a new opportunity with new challenges to solve. Jokingly, I tweeted about the team now being in a degraded state as one ‘drive’ has been removed. That idea has kept percolating in my head and I’ve realized that rather than just a cute way to refer to an IT team, it really is accurate.
For the uninitiated, RAID, which stands for Redundant Array of Independent Disks, is a way to combining multiple disks into a larger collection to present one or more larger volumes, increase the performance, and improve the resiliency should one of the drives fail. Here’s an overview of the three primary RAID levels:
RAID 0 combines two or more disks into a larger volume splitting the contents evenly between them. The benefits are increasing the performance to much more than a single drive as well as increasing the overall capacity. The down-side is that if any single drive fails, all of the data is effectively lost.
RAID 1 combines two disks into a pair where data is written to both drives simultaneously. Capacity is no more than a single drive, but you can lose either drive and still have a complete copy of your data.
RAID 5 combines three or more disks where the data is split between the disks but parity data is calculated and also written to the disk. Performance is good as you can interleave reads between the disks. Resiliency is also good as if any single drive fails, the parity data from the remaining disks can be used to compute the data that is missing.
In any IT shop, you have a collection of skills and backgrounds provided by the members of the team as well as the collection of procedures, resources, and responsibilities that the team must manage. If your team is set up in a RAID 0 configuration, the responsibilities are divided between the members. Each member becomes more and more experienced in the skills they cover but can become more of a liability in the ones they do not. Like in RAID 0, if any one is not available, those responsibilities are gone.
Sure, you could have a team more akin to RAID 1 but I can’t think of any manager that would request (or director that would approve) having two people for every task with one acting as a ‘mirror.’
Personally, I try to strike a balance. Dividing the responsibilities between members, playing on their strengths, but ensuring that everyone is familiar enough with the other things the group-as-a-whole does allows for continuity. Sure, documentation can act as your ‘parity’ but it is exceedingly challenging to maintain complete, accurate, and current documentation.
The group is indeed in a degraded state at the moment, but I am happy to say that nothing should get dropped and it hopefully won’t last long. I’m truly fortunate to manage a group of guys skilled enough to take on almost anything thrown at them.